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Reformata Daily Devotions

This is a daily devotional guide to be used for both private and family devotions and worship.

Please read each section outlined below for a complete understanding on this devotional.


For some time I and my wife had been burdened with a desire to start family devotions. We tried a few different devotions and outlines, and over time found them to be lacking in one way or another, either for reasons of doctrine or just not being as much as we would have liked for our family.

Over time while trying different things, I ended up creating an outline for our evening devotions, along with the help of my wife. One that we could use for our own learning, as well as for the raising of our children in the Lord.

This devotion is the product of my trial and error, and is what has worked best for myself and my family. It is intended to be a guide and a help for other families in their devotions.

Intended use instructions are set forth for each section of the devotion, but any or all of it can be used or modified as seen fit by your family.

A note on my language. I will address the head of the household for the purpose of devotionals, and it is assumed that such head is as is commanded in scripture to be the man, the father and husband. I am not without awareness that not all who read or use this devotion will be in that place in life, but I will still speak with that assumption. As it is for the head of the household to be the man, as a husband to one wife, and also that since one would be married, it is also assumed that such a household would have children. As such, the spiritual head will be understood to be both husband and father.

It is my desire and prayer that this time of devotion be led by the husband, and that such husband also have children. That a man be the head of the house is throughout scripture in may places, but one of note is 1 Corinthians 11:3 “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.”

With that however I would like to express words of encouragement to any woman, wife or mother, that may be reading and using this devotional, who is married to an unbelieving man. In 1 Peter 3:1-2 “Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.” In this the Apostle stresses that as the Holy Ghost is unto the salvation of all as the Helper sent by Christ, so too is a faithful wife to an unbelieving husband. As such, wives, in your faith unto God through Jesus Christ, there is mercy to be had for your family.

That being said, this devotional can be of benefit to any believer, young or old, single or married, with or without children. Though it is my sincere desire and prayer that every man be both a husband and father, that every woman be a wife and mother, and that together they have and raise children in the name of the Lord.


The order of each point here is as it is intended to be followed for devotion, each time of devotion starting with prayer, then the reading of the Westminster Shorter Catechism with the intent of memorization, the reading of Scripture with a selection of Matthew Henry's Commentary, and then closing with The Lord's Prayer followed by The Apostles' Creed.

Daily Devotions


  • January 1
  • January 2
  • January 3
  • January 4
  • January 5
  • January 6
  • January 7
  • January 8
  • January 9