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From Reformata Daily Devotions

Reformata Daily Devotions

This devotional is not intended to be rushed through, or viewed as just another task to be added to an already busy life. Though this should never become a burden in life, if you find that you are too busy to read and study the Word of God, that you are too tired, that your family is never in one place at the same time, then I would strongly advise you to rethink your priorities in life, as well as those of your family. As the head of your household it is your burden and responsibility to guide your wife and children in the admonition of the Lord. You are to seek first the Kingdom of God. As the head of the household you must lead by example. You must make the study of the Holy Scriptures a priority, you must put God first if you are to ever expect your family to do the same. If you are without discipline in this then you will be far more likely to not discipline your family in these matters as you should.

This world is not our home, the Kingdom of Heaven is. Do not love this life and strive for the pleasures, rewards, or riches thereof.

A Note of Time and Priorities

This devotional is designed in order to include many good points of reading and study for both the head privately as well as the family together. With that, I do understand that it may seem overwhelming. So a point of grace in our devotions:

If all that you are able to do in your private study as well as with your family is prayer and the reading of the Word, you have done well. How much you pray and read is debatable and I will not attempt to do so here. Though this may seem counter productive to include along with a devotional; daily personal and family devotions are not explicitly commanded or detailed in Scripture, as such they are an act of Christian liberty. Be mindful however, that no personal devotional can replace the act of corporate worship on the Lord's Day, as that is commanded in Scripture. We are not obligated to hold family devotions, we are however commanded not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, that is, the church.

The purpose of this devotional is not to place upon the Christian a burden not found in the Word of God, but to encourage and admonish. There is much that we do every day which is not sin, however we are told to redeem the time. With that I would encourage the daily reading of the Word, and also prayer, especially with ones family.


If the devotional as presented is overwhelming, then just focus on prayer and the reading of Scripture.

The catechisms and confessions, though good, are not a moral obligation to read and know. The included commentary, as wonderful as it is to our understanding of Scripture, is also not itself Scripture, neither are we obliged to read and know it. This too, can be omitted if needed.

If the devotional is too much for whatever reason, then I would encourage you to just pray and read daily. Though it is my deepest hope that this devotional will be used as presented both privately and with your family. It has been an amazing benefit to myself and my family, which is why I share it.

Encouragement for Growth

I do encourage you, Christian, to work toward a greater understanding of the Word of God. This is done by reading and learning that which has been written by those before us. Pray and read Scripture, but do not neglect the wisdom of the Saints who have studied and learned, and by the grace of God, written down their wisdom and understanding for us today to read and know.

If you need to start with a simpler devotional, then do so faithfully. I would encourage you to add back in that which you may have removed over time as you are comfortable.

Many heresies and false teachings come from private study without any external correction. The confessions, creeds, catechisms, and commentaries are those wonderful corrections to our errors of theology and doctrine.


For some time I and my wife had been burdened with a desire to start family devotions. We tried a few different devotionals and outlines, and over time found them to be lacking in one way or another, either for reasons of doctrine or just not being as much as we would have liked for our family.

Over time while trying different things, I ended up creating an outline for our evening devotions, along with the help of my wife. One that we could use for our own learning, as well as for the raising of our children in the Lord.

This devotional is the product of my trial and error, and is what has worked best for myself and my family. It is intended to be a guide and a help for other families in their devotions.

Intended use instructions are set forth for each section of the devotional, but any or all of it can be used or modified as seen fit by your family.

A note on my language. I will address the head of the household for the purpose of devotionals, and it is assumed that such head is as is commanded in Scripture to be the man, the father and husband. I am not without awareness that not all who read or use this devotional will be in that place in life, but I will still speak with that assumption. As it is for the head of the household to be the man, as a husband to one wife, and also that since one would be married, it is also assumed that such a household would have children. As such, the spiritual head will be understood to be both husband and father.

It is my desire and prayer that this time of devotion be led by the husband, and that such husband also have children. That a man be the head of the house is throughout Scripture in may places, but one of note is 1 Corinthians 11:3 “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.”

With that however I would like to express words of encouragement to any woman, wife or mother, that may be reading and using this devotional, who is married to an unbelieving man. In 1 Peter 3:1-2 “Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.” In this the Apostle stresses that as the Holy Ghost is unto the salvation of all as the Helper sent by Christ, so too is a faithful wife to an unbelieving husband. As such, wives, in your faith unto God through Jesus Christ, there is mercy to be had for your family.

That being said, this devotional can be of benefit to any believer, young or old, single or married, with or without children. Though it is my sincere desire and prayer that every man be both a husband and father, that every woman be a wife and mother, and that together they have and raise children in the name of the Lord.


The order of each point here is as it is intended to be followed for devotion, each time of devotion starting with prayer, then the reading of the Westminster Shorter Catechism with the intent of memorization, the reading of Scripture with a selection of Matthew Henry's Commentary, and then closing with The Lord's Prayer followed by The Apostle's Creed.


Prayer should be the first order of devotion each day; this devotional includes a prayer prompt for each day. This prompt is something found in Scripture and is intended to keep us ever mindful of that for which we ought to pray, be it for our political or church leaders, for the poor or for the enemies of the church. This prompt is not meant to be the only thing for which you lead your family in prayer, but is intended to be a starting point. Asking your wife and children for specific and personal petitions and praises to bring before the Lord is something I encourage you to do. Keeping a record of the things for which you pray is also very beneficial so that you can mark when you started praying for a particular need, and you can mark when the Lord answers that prayer. The beginning prayer each day should be organic.

Catechisms and Confessions

The Westminster Shorter Catechism is to be read with the intent to memorize it. For this reason, the catechism questions are repeated throughout the year. Fathers should lead by reading the questions, then the family in unison responds with the answers.

The second part is the reading from a work of the Reformation. The five major works being:

  • The Belgic Confession
  • The Heidelberg Catechism
  • The Cannons of Dort
  • The Westminster Confession of Faith
  • The Westminster Larger Catechism

These works have been divided so that all of them will be completely read through each year.

As a matter of our Protestant and namely Reformed heritage, it is of great benefit for we Christians to have read and known what the Devines have written, that which is a help to our faith in Christ.

Scripture Reading and Commentary

This devotional is intended to be used each day as it is built around the Scripture reading plan by the 19th century Scottish minister, Robert Murray M’Cheyne. This reading plan is broken out into four chapters each day, two for family reading and devotion, and two for private reading and devotion. You ought to read all four chapters on your own before the time for family devotion so that you will have an understanding of that which is to be read with your family, as well as having taken the time to ask questions and find answers about the text to be read so that you might better guide your family in your time of devotion.

Each day the two chapters for family worship are to be read. How this is done specifically is up to you. What version or translation is to be used, as well as who shall do the actual reading. For my family I read each night from the King James Version, and we have started to (at the time of this writing) have our daughter read as well since it helps with her engagement with the devotional. Yes, she also reads from the KJV, and she is seven years old.

For each chapter read, there is a corresponding section from Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary. I strongly suggest that you lead your family as you see fit with points to ponder, or questions, as is appropriate for your family, the commentary included is for a help. Even if you disagree with it, it may be a great starting point for family discussion.

I have included the points from the Concise Commentary as is, however, it is not necessarily intended to be read in its entirety. Selecting one point made by Henry is sufficient, especially if that point select to be read expounds on a thought or clarifies a certain section of the reading of Scripture. Though feel free to read the full text provided as it is an amazing benefit.

As an added exercise for any discussion, challenging that any points made be challenged with the question of “where is that in Scripture” can be a wonderful blessing and benefit, as it provides the opportunity to search through your Bible to find the exact Scripture, training us in the proper use of our Bibles and resources.

My only modification to the M’Cheyne reading plan that I would also recommend is in your first year through, follow it exactly, yet in the following year, switch the family with the private, this way you will read the entire bible with your family in two years. After that, being the third year, go back to it as it is printed, alternating each year in that pattern.

Closing Prayers

At the end of each time of devotion, the Lord’s Prayer and Apostle’s Creed should be recited in unison with all members of your family. If you are just starting, having copies of the prayer and creed for each member will be helpful, but the goal should be for all members of your family to be able to recite the Lord’s Prayer and Apostle’s Creed from memory.

Final Thoughts

A point about having these times of devotion with young children. The bible is not a children's book. Even the story of Noah, though it includes little animals, also ends with the drowning death of all life on earth. Our holy Father in Heaven has willed each word that is in Scripture, and it is also written in Ephesians 6:4 “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” The Word of God ought to be studied and read and known by both young and old.

My wife and I started this devotional when our daughter was six years old, and we read through every day's reading without fear of the content. Our daughter had questions at times about the meanings of certain terms or words, as well as some events which are generally of an adult matter, but we explained them in as much detail as was necessary to convey the point being made in the verse in question.

It is better for our children to learn first about the world through the Word of God being read by a God fearing parent to explain it, than to be catechized by the world which calls evil good, and good evil; that puts darkness for light and light for darkness; that puts bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.

Trust God with your children and remember that you are also a child of God.

Daily Devotions













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This devotional is a ministry of Reformata Baptist Church